Thursday, May 18, 2006

Sunshiny Day - Help up the allotment - Patsy bantam babies

The sun is shining today - which makes me so happy - especially as it is my No.2 son's birthday today and he is having a day off work. No.1 son had his birthday on Monday - another plan that didn't work out! With my family and dear beloved's family we have clusters of birthdays in May, June, and December and one in January.

Anyway - this is an early post to say that undergardener is not playing golf today, so is coming up the allotment to dig up the huge purple sprouting broccoli plants that seem concreted into the ground. He could not pull them up when he was getting the stalks for the chickens but had to break them off and that was a real job he said - so I was forbidden to touch them yesterday - and I did as I was told (I am no quite that stupid yet to do myself serious mischief on purpose LOL)

We had heavy rains as forecast so he is going to give it a go today - yippe - whilst I busy myself doing all sorts of other jobs.

I just counted up all the packets of flower seeds that I sowed yesterday (I saved the packets so that I could see what it was that I sowed). Thirty six packets - yes 36, I was too tired to count them last night! Well even though some of the packets were out of date and the germination success might be low, I should at least get some success out of all of those shouldn't I?

Patsy, whose link in to the right, has just taken delivery of her new banties - she has been patiently waiting and the day has arrived. So I am hoping that she has been out with her camera and I am off for a quick look before we go up the allotment.

Patsy is sound asleep in bed, but I am sure that she won't mind me showing you her first photos. You all know how 'nuts' I am about chickens - and these really steal my heart.

I have just had a look and she has taken delivery of 52 tiny chicks - just a few days old at most by the look of them.

Aren't they adorable - they buy them by post over there! Don't you just want to pick one up and cradle it in the palm of your hand? They all look so colourful don't they? I am really looking forward to seeing how they grow.

Have a good day everyone. I will be back later to post what I have been up to.


  1. I'm missing my allotment, but can share yours! I like to eat some things raw, as a kid I used to eat a slice of raw potatao! I'm told those and beans should not be eaten raw, not sure why unless... it's the 'gas' factor LOL! Sorry for lowering the tone!!
    I like raw carrots,baby leeks, mangetout and ordinary pea shells if they are young and not too fibrousy.Love raw cabbage hearts and stalks too. Raw food is supposed to give you more energy, detox you and give you more vitamins/minerals as they are intended to be, before losing them with cooking or preparing too far in advance.Like raw beansprouts, used to eat thinly sliced young brussels sprouts too, with chopped hazelnuts or walnuts, a drizzle of light olive oil a little salt and fresh ground blackpepper, (nice with cold pork or turkey,cooked of course!) Have also been known to take raw 'sprouts out with me when walking, others in the group would not want to swap their mars bars or whatever, wonder why??LOL!

    bye for now, have a great day.

  2. That's great sandie - glad to hear that there is someone else like me. I know that raw potatoes are supposed to be poisonous, but I eat lots of raw beans, etc like you. I was even eating raw purple sprouting broccoli and the young leaves - no wonder I was sick of it the other day LOL

    I think we might have been rabbits in a past life - don't you?

  3. glad you hubby is trying to help you. love seeing my pictures in UK.thanks. we made it thro the night and the bird are happier to day. when baby chickens are strested they chirp REAL loud and when the babies are just right they just have a low happy sound. when I woke this morning that was what I heard.

  4. That is wonderful news Patsy - I am so envious - sounds quite technical though looking after the tiny babies - heat, light etc

    You must have done it before I guess.

  5. Anonymous7:09 am

    thought i would say hi as i've been reading your pages or daiary now for about a month at the moment it is by far the best read on the net.. i even asked my wife if i can have an allotment but she said that because i work shifts and play sunday football i would never have time to do anything

    anyway thought i would say hello
    all the best and get well soon

    oh by the way my mates call me pappy

  6. Oh aren't they gorgeous baby chicks! Haven't been able to check Patsys' site out 'cos I tend to use your link but, it doesn't appear at all now on your site when I check your blog!
    Derr! just thought, Patsy has put comments on my blog, so will bookmark her blog address from that. Please excuse me, should be in bed really, am off now for 11 nights, whoopee!
    hope you're not overdoing things...
    have a nice weekend.

  7. Hi Sandie - The links are showing all right on my page when I look at it and they don't disappear.

    If anyone else has a problem can they let me know please. Then I can contact Blogger to see what is happening.

    Have a great holiday Sandie.

    By the way, you can click on anyone who leaves a comment on your blog if they have a blue name - that will take you directing to their blog site.

    So if you click on Patsy's comment on your blog it will take you right to her site.

  8. Pappy - hello - thanks for taking the brave step and leaving a comment.

    It feels strange to think that lots of people are 'looking through my window' so to speak, and not saying 'hello'.

    I am so glad that you did though and welcome you.

    Thanks also for your lovely comments too. Nice to know that so many people appreciate my toils LOL

    Perhaps if you have a small alottment you could fit it in between shifts and Sunday football.

    A lady that leaves comments on here regularly works night shift and she has had an alloment for years - and is only giving hers up due to moving - where she hopes to get another one. So if she can do it - I am sure you can - and encourage your wife to join in - it really is good fun and so theraputic - but unless you try it you won't find out. You could persuade her with the promise of fresh healthy food, a happy husband, and if all else fails, quote the old proverb.............

    Those who play together - stay together - LOL

    Let me know how you get on.


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