Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Just walking in the rain - getting soaking wet

It was worth getting wet to show you these soaking wet 'beards' of clematis seed heads - they were sparkling like crystal spikey balls - it could not be captured to its best in the photos but you can imagine them I am sure

One of many little blue clematis flowers out in the rain

Blues in the front hedge.

Just how many shades of blue can you get in one plant - great for flower arranging


  1. The flowers are wonderful. I never saw any thing like what you have, it must be your climate. here no one grows so many beautful flowers. maybe it is all the rain you get. glad you got the rain instead of me would have been hard on my babies.
    as for loosing some of the banties, that is just the way thing are , the strong live and the weak die.The rest should be ok. they are 10 days old now so unle some cat or dog gets them I will be ok. my pen should turn all comers.

  2. Thanks Patsy,just a few flowers and more to come in the summer

    Glad to hear that the rest of your bantams chicks are thriving


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