Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Can spring really be on the way at last?

It's been a really tough winter here - both weather wise and health wise.  But today there was a glimpse of sunshine and the harsh winds had dried the lawns - so I found a way to break my 'stir crazy' mood.

 Whilst Mr Lottie was otherwise occupied reading
 I sneeked out under the pretence of taking out the wheelie bin
 Got the lawn mower out and gave the lawns a much needed hair cut
 I finished clearing up the dead stalks and wind blown bits of branches from the lawn and flower beds
 The snow didn't break the spirit of my flowering plants
the Hellebores are glorious this year
 New life is poking through the soil with the promise of great things to come
The chooks are confined to Peckingham Palace for a week much to their chagrin, as it's the time of year when they have their Flubenvent medication to prevent them getting intestinal worms and suchlike.
They complained bitterly the first day - but they are getting used to being confined to barracks - it's only for a week.  I keep reminding them how lucky they are and that some chooks are stuck inside all the time - and don't have a long run and things to play with!

No allotment news - it's too wet to get onto the ground up there.  This time last year the potaoes were all in and we were suffering a drought!

I haven't sowed any seeds - too cold for that too - so will wait patiently for warmer days and better weather.


  1. Here's hoping for better weather and seeds in the ground! (clinks glass)

    Enjoy your taste of Spring :)

  2. Sounds like you all feel a bit 'cooped up' at the moment ;)

    Ours have just been de-wormed again too. I hate to have to do it but we suspect that worms are far more common in chooks than we first thought. At least those kept in runs.

  3. You have a really nice garden!

  4. Nice to be out isn't it!?

    I've been out recently doing a bit of stuff over the Easter weekend.

    Your garden is looking almost pristine Lottie, can you come round to ours and make it as good I wonder?



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