Saturday, March 19, 2011

Allotment Diary Me:11.5hrs He:11.5hrs

Well it looks like it's going to be another weekend like last - bright and sunny today and rain forecast for tomorrow.

For those new to my blog, these posts are just really for my own reference so that I can keep a record on how many hours I work up the allotment each year, where I plant the different crops, and just to see it evolving really.

So we made the most of today........
I spent all my time up the allotment putting wire through the top of chicken wire fencing to make it tight across the top and adding a few more posts.

I rotovated this bed, and raked off the stones and any grass or weeds I pulled up.
A back breaking task.

Mr Lottie helped me lay the rubber paths - it makes it easier to manage the plot and deters the rabbits from digging under.

I'll be making a gate for this too and getting rid of the temporary metal one.

It also gives me an easy and moveable path in the other bed too  - and less weeding!

In the fruit cage it was lovely to see that the leaves are opening on the  bushes

The sure sign of a healthy gooseberry bush is the lichen growing on the stems.

No sign of the broad beans  yet.  The next job I want to do up here is to take down the fence that separates this plot from the new one I have fenced off, and remove the makeshift 'gate'

We laid a rubber path all the way along this side of the plot right down past the fruit cage to our gate into our huge allotment area.
My lucky neighbour on the left get's his son, who works on a farm to come and plough up his plot every year.  In one fell swoop, all the weeds, and rubbish disappear - magic!

Mr Lottie filled up two trugs and half filled 6 sacks of well rotted horse manure for me to bring home -it's brilliant for potting up, and saves me a fortune.

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