Today was a cold dull day - just perfect for working up the allotment
I went over this area that I have previously rotorvated, using my little Mantis Tiller
Then dug out trenches with my (Azada which you can see below)
Each trench was filled with a well rotted mix of pig and horse manure, and I planted my first early potatoes - Rocket, which were covered with yet more manure before being earthed up.
Only one bag of these this year, as I am having to cut down on the workload, not got the power or energy of a youngster any more! Still there are 35 potatoes which will produce and very healthy plot and certainly feed us during the summer
Oh dear looking at the rows this way, they do look a bit sinister don't they!
No sign of any broad beans on the left yet.
Still, again using my little Mantis to turn the soil into a nice tilth, I created some pathways between the blocks of broad bean rows.
Then I planted two blocks of onions - Stuttgart and Sturon
I might get some red onion sets too - lots of space to fill
Mr Lottie worked hard on sorting out where the winter bonfires have been
I just need to rake this all over, rotorvate it and get it ready for the rest of the potatoes
I think the only thing that gets him up the allotment is the thought of having a bonfire!