The fruit cage badly needed weeding.
The path has become smothered in nettles and chickweed
Dandelions were establishing themselves in the beds
I have never seen such a luscious 'crop' of chickweed!
Even the strawberries have gone 'mad' so I had to get it sorted asap
I weeded the beds and in this one I planted winter cabbage.
Tiny I know, but they'll soon grow - fingers crossed
A few hours later I had weeded the paths
I dug out all the weeds from the beds too.
It was hard work digging it all by myself - but the end result is worth it.
Here it is finished. I cleaned out the chickens and used the Hemcore for the paths.
Over the winter I will add more. It 'disappears' over the winter as the worms seem to take it down into the ground. This year I will add it to the beds as well as it really enriches the soil.
And here are the ladies who provide the enriched Hemcore for me.
They've spread the bedding out for me - and there is not a feather in sight.
How long for I wonder?