Eggs - Total to date: 186 - Day 87
KoKKo 62(86grms) 29.11.2005 Personal best
Adelaide 62 (76grms) 12.12 2005 Personal best
Ginger 62 (78grms) 14.12.2005 Personal best
Twas a really nice morning and no frost when I fed the chooks – they were already up and out at 7.30am eagerly awaiting breakfast as usual.
One egg from Adelaide was hot and sticky and waiting for me – that’s good as I had frozen the dozen yesterday and left us with none.
And for those of you curious to know what a dozen eggs look like frozen here they are - two to a bag. Now do your supermarket eggs look that colour I wonder? The photo has not been changed or touched up with any colour - these are what they actually look like! I had to put them in a bag and label them, as they are so orange and didn't want them getting muddled up with other foods!

They seem to be eating more layers mash at the moment since I have been weighing out the 100 grms a day each, they clear the lot and seem to be after more, so have been giving them more. I will have to check that they are not being greedy just in case. Fat chickens are not healthy chickens, and I don’t want that.
A trip to the dentist for a check up meant that we went into Watton another market town – just small and one straight road in the centre. Luckily it wasn’t market day – it is a nightmare to get through it then. It is bad enough most days with parking, but on market days – impossible.
Still it gave me the opportunity to go into a shop to get my main crop seed potatoes – they just so happened had everything but! So as I have the physio visit tomorrow in another little town I will get them there – hopefully.
Watton has a little Tesco store so we went in for milk and a bit of fruit. I was extremely tempted to pick up a pack or two of their potatoes to chit, they were cheaper than seed, but I could not remember what varieties were main crop – and they were not organic either, so that means their leaves would have been sprayed to kill them off before harvesting, and I am not sure how they store them.
I posted off yet more packets of seeds for swapsies and have two parcels of card craft things to pack too.
Whilst we were out (as I knew it would) a parcel came with some soap making ingredients which I swapped. I now have to read up about it and get some more things, then I will be making natural soaps, creams, shampoos, all sorts. My things I ordered through the Pharmacy had arrived too, so I will have my witches hat on when Pat is out bowling this week -I have to read up on it, but hopefully by Friday.
Just wish I could find someone close that has goats for goat milk. I asked on the post office and they didn’t know. I shall have to have a chat in Harrods, someone must know someone who has goats surely. I know a lady in Suffolk through a forum I use, who keeps goats, but hers have not been kidded so are not milkers.
We have just had lunch looking out onto the garden and on the girls enjoying the sunshine. They are scratching away in their pen at something. KoKKo is digging for England. She digs really deep holes – usually around the honeysuckle root and the rose root. As fast as I bury each night, she digs it out again. She really has a purpose. The other side are the paving slabs of the patio under the pergola so she’ll not get those up!
I am sorely tempted to go up the allotment – but am sore too and with physio tomorrow I had best not had I? So I am off to look up instructions on how to change the cartridges on my printer. (Before you all think that I am having a ‘blonde’ moment – I have to explain that I do not have and instruction book for this printer and of course I know how to physically change printer cartridges – the difficulty comes in pressing the right sequence of buttons so that it aligns itself and stops in a place so that you can actually get to them to do it!)
When I popped out to the garage I just could not resist getting a couple of mini sweet corn that I had thawed out for the girls. Adelaide snatched it out of my hand – whilst Ginger was just looking at it - I thought that she would gently peck at it – went running off with it being pursued by the others so hell bent on catching her that they didn’t even have time to squawk. Alas she downed it in one go! So I made a return trip with two more.
Ginger's idea of fast food - now you see it........

Did I hear someone say that I spoil them? There were two more eggs in the nest though – so they are worth it.
Now you don't...........Adelaide's idea of fast food!

Have another go Ginger .......... but be quick!

I just posted this and when I went back into my messages - Wizer had left a comment on yesterday's posting - how appropriate Wizer.
I know that you can freeze whites of eggs too and they are wonderful for meringues etc but I haven't tried freezing a version of omlettes the way you mentioned. I am not really into 'fast food'. I expect that you have to defrost it, then cook it - just as quick for me to whizz one up fresh - but I might just give it a try. Thanks for the comment - I love getting them. Actually Wizer, if it works out O.K. that is a good idea to make up some for my youngest son to put in his freezer. He can just get one out when he comes home tired from work and hey presto - great - what varieties do they do then?