Monday, April 02, 2012

2012 Allotment Diary - Me: 22 hrs He: 16.5hrs 2012 Eggs: 98

I was going stir crazy indoors, and as I can't do any serious work  until my eye heals, I thought I would take a walk up the allotment site.
 There have been quite a number of new allotments created this year and here are just a few of them
 They have all been rotorvated and fenced off and are looking lovely
But we haven't had any rain yet - so these are wonderfully pristine.
But experience tells me that as soon as we get the rain - then dock weeds will appear - and all those rotorvated weeds, will return with a vengence
 But for now I am enjoying seeing the fabulous plots

This was a new one last year
 These are at the top of the field and some are looking a bit like a shanty town
 Poor chooks living like this
 It's a shame really - but I expect the owners will get a letter asking  them to clear up the plots
 This little lady looked rather sad and worn out - and didn't have the energy to move
 Lots and lots of chickens
Guess they'll get sorted sooner or later
 These have just been taken over by several men, and it's looking good

There are some with huge polytunnels on them - I'll post some photos later - and I haven't posted the really bad plots!   It'll be nice to see the more people up there as it's been almost deserted when I have been up there - and for many many years there used to be just me and I never saw a soul.

Must give my eyes  rest - I'll be back soon

1 comment:

  1. If those chickens were on our allotment I'd be sending the plot holders some really stern letters...and more than likely a phone call to Animal Welfare. Thankfully we don't allow livestock at our allotment so we don't have to deal with these types of situations. In a perfect world it would be nice for them to live there but relying on people to take care of their animals is an entirely different matter.

    And oh boy those new plot holders will have a thing coming to them if they rotovated their dock roots! Yikes


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